Shuddi Kriyas

Although the theory classes will cover over 20 shuddi kriyas, we will only practice the following:

  • Jala Neti

  • Sutra Neti

  • Vaman dhauti

  • Vyut, Sit and Vata Krama

  • Kapalbhati

  • Trataka


  • Yogic deep breathing

  • Surya Bheda & Chandra Bheda

  • Bhastrika

  • Ujjayi

  • Anulom Vilom

  • Bhramari

  • Sitali/Sitkari

  • Agnisara

  • Antar/Bahir Kumbhaka

  • Kevala Kumbhaka

  • 1:4:2 ratio length
    (starting from 4:16:8 to 8:32:16)

Asana Lab

  1. How to prep for advanced Asanas

  2. Surya Namaskar with mantras

  3. Alternatives Surya Namaskar

  4. Advanced Supine postures

  5. Advanced Supine postures II

  6. Advanced Prone postures

  7. Advanced Prone postures II

  8. Advanced Meditation postures

  9. Advanced Balancing postures

  10. Advanced Balancing postures II

  11. Advanced Twisting postures

  12. Advanced Twisting postures II

  13. Advanced Inversions postures

  14. Advanced Inversions postures II

  15. Advanced Forward bend

  16. Advanced Forward bend II

  17. Advanced Back bend

  18. Advanced Back bend II

  19. The art of effective modifications

  20. Alignments for advanced postures

  21. Alignments for advanced postures II

  22. Advanced postures health benefits

  23. Warm up for advanced postures

  24. Contradictions for advanced postures

  25. Recap and Q&A with teacher

Meditation Lab

  1. Revision 200h knowledge

  2. Revision 200h knowledge

  3. How to chant Om

  4. The SKY 15 techniques of Yogic meditation

  5. Advanced Om chanting meditation

  6. Advanced Breath Awareness

  7. Advanced Body awareness

  8. Advanced Object visualisation

  9. Advanced Sound meditation

  10. Introduction to Chakras meditation

  11. How to teach Yoga Nidra?

  12. Yoga Nidra practice I

  13. Yoga Nidra practice II

  14. Yoga Nidra practice III

  15. Teaching your first Yoga Nidra class

  16. Introduction to Transcendental Meditation

  17. Transcendental Meditation practice

  18. Introduction to Vipassana

  19. Incorporate meditation in classes and workshops

  20. Recap and Q&A with teacher


  • Mula Bhanda

  • Uddiyana Bhanda

  • Jalendara Bhanda

  • Maha Bhanda

  • Jihva Bhanda


  • Om

  • Bija Mantra (5 elements/chakras)

  • Om Namah Shivaya

  • Sun Salutation Bija Mantra

  • Shanti Mantra

When impurity is destroyed through the practice of the limbs of Yoga, then the rise of spiritual knowledge culminates in awareness of reality

- Pantajali Yoga Sutra, II/28 -