Theory classes

Yoga Philosophy

  1. Revision of 200h knowledge

  2. Revision of 200h knowledge

  3. The Samkya chart I (Purusa & Prakriti)

  4. The Samkya chart II (Mahat/Bhuti & Ahamkara)

  5. The Samkya chart III (The 3 gunas & their manifestations)

  6. The Bhagavad Gita

  7. Bhakti Yoga

  8. Karma Yoga

  9. Jnana Yoga

  10. The Upanishads

  11. Yoga & Hinduism

  12. Yoga & Bhuddism

  13. Yoga & Science

  14. What is Tantra?

  15. Natha cult and the start of Hatha Yoga

  16. The evolution of Hatha Yoga from 1920’s to today

  17. Hatha Yoga vs Ashtanga Yoga/Vinyasa Yoga/Yin Yoga

  18. Prominent Yoga institutes and universities

  19. Mastering your self-practice: Abhyasa and Vairagya in daily life

  20. Recap and Q&A with teacher

Hatha Yoga Texts

  1. Revision 200h knowledge

  2. Revision 200h knowledge

  3. Mudras in Hatha Yoga Pradipika (HP)

  4. Bhandas in HP

  5. Gatha Shuddi concept in Gheranda Samhita (GS)

  6. Shuddi Kriyas in GS

  7. Shuddi Kriyas in GS

  8. Pranayama in GS

  9. Pranayama in GS

  10. Asanas in GS

  11. Mudras in GS

  12. Mudras in GS

  13. Prathyara in GS

  14. Dharana in GS

  15. Dhyana in GS

  16. Samadhi in GS

  17. Nadanusandhana in HP

  18. Introduction to Siva Samhita and Hatharatnavali

  19. Introduction to Sidasiddantapatati and Ghoraksha Shatak

  20. Recap and Q&A with teacher

Pantajali Yoga Sutras

  1. Revision 200h knowledge

  2. Revision 200h knowledge

  3. The vrittis and how to remove them

  4. Kriya Yoga

  5. The Kleshas and how to remove them

  6. Ishwara

  7. Citta viksepa and Citta prasadana

  8. Hana, Hanaya, Hena, Henahetuh

  9. The concept of Vivekakhyati

  10. Types of Samadhi 

  11. Stages of samprajnata samadhi

  12. Stages of samapati Samadhi

  13. Nirbija vs Sabija samadhi

  14. Full recap on Chapter I

  15. Full recap on Chapter II

  16. Introduction to chapter III

  17. The yogic super powers (Ch III)

  18. Introduction to chapter VI

  19. The finality of Yoga (Ch IV)

  20. Recap and Q&A with teacher

Yoga Psychology & Mental Health

  1. What is Yoga Psychology?

  2. Yoga vs Psychology

  3. Awareness and spirituality as the foundations of Yoga Psychology

  4. Key psychological concepts in the Pantajali Yoga Sutras

  5. The chariot analogy from the Kathopanishad

  6. Yoga for the development of the brain

  7. What silence does to your mind?

  8. Yoga for stress management  

  9. Counselling through Yoga

  10. Recap and Q&A with teacher

Yoga Therapy

  1. What is Yoga therapy?

  2. Heart and circulatory pathologies

  3. Disorder of respiratory system

  4. Disorder of digestive system

  5. Hormonal disorders

  6. Yoga therapy for diabetes

  7. Yoga therapy for obesity

  8. Yoga therapy for mental health

  9. Anxiety and depression

  10. Recap and Q&A with teacher

Anatomy & Physiology

  1. Yoga for the Digestive system

  2. Yoga for the Respiratory system

  3. Yoga for the Circulatory system

  4. Yoga for the Muscular-skeleton system

  5. Yoga for the Endocrine system

  6. Yoga for the Nervous system

  7. Yoga for the Reproduction system

  8. Revisions and Q&A with teacher

Ayuverda & Naturopathy

  1. Revision of 200h knowledge

  2. Revision of 200h knowledge

  3. Add your personality and become a better teacher

  4. How to improve your class

  5. How to organise a Yoga workshop

  6. Branding and marketing for yoga classes & workshops

  7. Expanding your Yogic activities

  8. Revisions and Q&A with teacher

Teaching Methodology

  1. How health becomes disease

  2. Introduction to Ayuverda

  3. The 8 components of Ayuverda and its diagnosis method

  4. Panchakarma and its modalities

  5. Introduction to Naturopathy

  6. Overview of Naturopathy Modalities

  7. Nutrition and Fasting

  8. Recap and Q&A with teacher

“I have build this institution out of nothing, if it goes to nothing I do not mind, but Yoga should not be diluted”

- Swami Kuvalayananda -.