Theory classes

Yoga Philosophy

  1. What is Yoga?

  2. Brief History of Yoga

  3. Schools of Yoga

  4. Pantajali Yoga vs Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga Texts

  1. What is Hatha Yoga?

  2. Overview of the main Hatha Yoga texts

  3. Introduction to Hatha Yoga Pradipika (HP)

  4. Shuddhi kriyas in HP

Prana & Kundalini

  1. What is Prana?

  2. Nadis and body pranic flow

  3. The main 3 nadis

  4. What is a chakra?

Pantajali Yoga Sutras

  1. Sutras overview

  2. Yoga Citta Vritti Nirodhah

  3. Success in Yoga according to Pantajali

  4. The 8 limbs system (Asthanga Yoga)

“Yoga has a complete message for humanity. It has a message for the human body, It has a message for the human mind, and it also has a message for the human soul”

- Swami Kuvalayananda -.